April 1 - April 30 2025
Since 2016, the International Museum of Muslim Cultures has celebrated Islamic Heritage Month EVERY April IN the City of Jackson.
In celebration of IMMC’s 15th anniversary, former Jackson Mayor Tony Yarber issued a proclamation designating April as Islamic Heritage Month (IHM) under the auspices of the International Museum of Muslim Cultures. He urged the community “to celebrate and commemorate the historical contributions of Muslims, who ignited the Renaissance of Europe—into America, ushering in the age of science and technology, a culture of tolerance and peace [that values] education“. Each year during the month of April, IMMC hosts numerous fun activities and educational events such as mini exhibits, gallery talks, film screenings, arts performances and workshops, cultural programs, and interfaith gatherings. IHM concludes with a community festival where EVERYONE is welcome and invited to participate in cultural presentations, art demonstrations and exhibits, food tastings, fashion shows, musical performances, and more.
Kick Off IHM 2025 with us!
April 3-22 Tuesdays & Thursdays at 6pm Arabic Conversation Course
April 12, 12-4 pm Community Culture Day
April 26 - Children’s Art Exhibit
April 26 - IHM Community Festival 2-5 pm
Featuring Southern Komfort Brass Band, Hinds County Community College Dance Company performing Native and African Dance, the New Jersey Trumpet Chics, Muslim Snow White Play and many more!
* All events are FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC *
Past IHM events can be found on our YouTube Channel: International Museum of Muslim Cultures